Introduction of bacterial and viral pathogens from imported ornamental finfish in South Korea

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences - Tập 22 - Trang 1-9 - 2019
Hee Jae Choi1, Jun Wook Hur2, Jae Bum Cho3, Kwan Ha Park4, Hye Jin Jung5, Yue Jai Kang1
1Department of Aquatic Life Medical Sciences, Sun Moon University, Asan-si, Republic of Korea
2Bio-Monitoring Center, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea
3National Fishery Products Quality Management Service, Busan-si, Republic of Korea
4Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Kunsan National University, Gunsan-si, Republic of Korea
5Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Biotechnology, Sun Moon University, Asan-si, Republic of Korea

Tóm tắt

Live fish import may lead to the unintended introduction of pathogens. We examined the monthly distribution of microbial pathogens in ornamental finfish imported into South Korea over a 6-month period. Vibrio alginolyticus was detected in one lemon damsel in June and July; V. vulnificus was detected in one lemon damsel, one caerulean damsel, and one pearl-spot chromis and one ocellaris clownfish in July, April, and May, respectively; Photobacterium damselae was detected in one ocellaris clownfish and one caerulean damsel in June and July, respectively; V. anguillarum was detected in one pearl-spot chromis in February; V. harveyi was detected in one ocellaris clownfish and two mandarin fish in February and April, respectively; Yersinia ruckeri was detected in a pearlscale goldfish group in June and July and in two colored carp groups in July; and Lactococcus garvieae was detected in a lemon damsel group and a sutchi catfish group in July and May, respectively. European catfish virus, the only viral pathogen detected, was found in two sutchi catfish groups in May. This study is the first to identify pathogenic species and the presence or absence of pathogens (non-quarantine diseases) in imported ornamental finfish. These results demonstrate that various pathogens with the potential to harm indigenous fish populations can accompany ornamental finfish imported into South Korea.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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