Intraspecific phylogeny and geographical variation of six species of northeastern AsiaticSorexshrews based on the mitochondrial cytochromebsequences

Molecular Ecology - Tập 10 Số 9 - Trang 2199-2213 - 2001
Satoshi D. Ohdachi1, Н. Е. Докучаев2, Masami Hasegawa3, Ryuichi Masuda4
1Institute of Low-Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0819, Japan
2Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Magadan 685000, Russia
3Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Minato‐ku, Tokyo 106–8569, Japan,
4Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan

Tóm tắt


Intraspecific phylogeny and genetic variation were investigated based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochromebgene in six soricine shrew species,Sorex unguiculatus,S. caecutiens,S. shinto,S. gracillimus,S. minutissimusandS. hosonoi, collected primarily from northeastern Asia. Maximum likelihood trees and a phylogenetic network were generated to estimate intraspecific phylogenies.S. minutissimusshowed high congruence between phylogenetic position and geographical origin andS. gracillimusshowed low congruence. In contrast, there was no congruence between phylogeny and geography inS. unguiculatusand theS. caecutiensfrom Sakhalin‐Eurasia. Positive correlation between genetic and geographical distances was found inS. minutissimusandS. gracillimus, but not in the other species (or regional populations). The results of the phylogenetic and genetic analyses suggest thatS. minutissimusandS. gracillimushave occupied their present ranges for a longer time than the other species if we assume a stepping‐stone model of population structure. In addition, there was no contradiction between the present investigations and the hypotheses of multiple immigration byS. gracillimusand a single immigration byS. unguiculatusinto Hokkaido Island. It is proposed that these six northeastern Asian species experienced different historical processes of range expansion and dispersal despite the fact that some of them currently show similar patterns of distribution.

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