Intraseasonal SST–precipitation relationship in a coupled reanalysis experiment using the MRI coupled atmosphere–ocean data assimilation system

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 56 - Trang 2377-2388 - 2021
Chiaki Kobayashi1, Yosuke Fujii1, Ichiro Ishikawa1
1Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan

Tóm tắt

To evaluate the atmosphere–ocean coupled data assimilation system developed at the Meteorological Research Institute, the lead-lag relation between the intraseasonal variations (with a time scale of 20–100 days) in precipitation and sea surface temperature (SST) is examined in the tropics. It is shown that the relationship over the tropical western Pacific in the coupled reanalysis experiment (CDA) follows the observed relationship more closely than that in the uncoupled reanalysis experiment (UCPL). However, the lead-lag correlations with the observed SST are almost identical between precipitations in CDA and UCPL, indicating that the atmospheric component is strongly constrained by atmospheric observations and hardly affected by the SSTs as boundary conditions. Better representation of the SST–precipitation relationship in CDA is, thus, mostly due to the SST variation modified by the model physics. Comparison with additional reanalysis experiments using coupled and uncoupled systems that assimilate only in-situ observations without satellite observations suggests that the coupled model's physics complements the relatively weak observation constraints and reduces the degradation of the SST–precipitation relationship. Additional analysis for CDA suggests that the warming-to-cooling (cooling-to-warming) transition of the surface net flux, which is in phase with precipitation, is delayed from the positive (negative) peak of SST due to downward heat propagation in the ocean. Comparison of the oceanic near-surface temperature field with observation data indicates that the downward propagation of heat signals is too fast in CDA, resulting in smaller lags of transitions of the net heat flux and precipitation behind SST peaks.

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