Intertwining relationship marketing with supply chain management through Alderson's transvection

Emerald - Tập 27 Số 8 - Trang 673-685 - 2012
PerEngelseth1, ChristianFelzensztein2
1Ålesund University College, Ålesund, Norway
2School of Business, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile

Tóm tắt

PurposeThis paper's aim is to develop an understanding of how responsiveness in a supply network may be approached from a combined relationship marketing (RM) and supply chain management (SCM) view in a complete seafood supply network context.Design/methodology/approachThe paper takes the form of a case study of the upstream part of an integrated supply network from broodstock to predominately export sales.FindingsDeveloping responsiveness involves two types of competence; technically generating value through the supply network through product transformations and knowing what the end‐user perceives as value. SCM is proposed as generating value through technical product‐transforming processes while RM as facilitating customer sensing through developed conceptions of value perception in the context of business relationships. Intertwining SCM and RM competencies to achieve responsive product supply is proposed by using Alderson's largely unnoticed transvection understanding of complete marketing channels.Originality/valueThe paper is a novel combination of business management fields evoking differences and complementarities to develop business relationships through intertwining RM and SCM to secure value realisation from an end‐user perspective from a multi‐tier supply network perspective. In business practice this approach provides a mindset and some developed models useful in both strategic planning of a company's role in a wider supply chain setting as well as guidance regarding the purpose of cross‐functional teamwork in operations.

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