Interrelation between grid systems and star polygons of muqarnas ground projection plans

Asli Agirbas1, Gulnur Yildiz2, Murat Sahin1
1Department of Architecture, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
2Institute of Graduate Studies, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey

Tóm tắt

Many muqarnas ground projection plans contain stars with unequal edge lengths in their compositions. In this study, the geometric reasons behind the unequality of star edge lengths in muqarnas ground projection plans have been searched. The main gates with complex-looking muqarnas belonging to the period of Suleiman the Magnificent (Kanuni Sultan Suleyman), designed by Architect Sinan in Istanbul, have been selected to examine. From the data obtained by 3D laser scanning and from the verification made, it has been confirmed that there are stars with unequal edge lengths in these muqarnas plans. From the geometrical examinations made according to the shape grammar theory, it was concluded that the muqarnas plans were created using spider-web grid and square grid layouts. It was also concluded that these grid types cause some of the star edge lengths to be unequal.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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