International marketing agility: conceptualization and research agenda

Emerald - Tập 37 Số 2 - Trang 261-272 - 2020
Emanuel Gomes1, Carlos M.P. Sousa2, Ferran Vendrell‐Herrero3
1Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
2Molde University College
3University of Birmingham

Tóm tắt


The aim of this paper is to conceptualize the notion of international marketing agility.


The approach adopted is to review and create a synopsis of the existing body of research on strategic agility and develop a conceptualization on how international marketing agility (IMA) should be analyzed.


International marketing agility is an emerging concept driven largely by rapid changes in global markets. There is a growing need for exporting SMEs and multinational enterprises to consider IMA as a means of building competitive advantage in foreign markets.

Research implications/limitations

While the conceptual development presented in this paper is not exhaustive, our model highlights important research avenues in IMA that need exploring.


This article examines an emerging concept in international marketing that serves as a platform to cope with the changes taking place in this fast-changing global environment. A framework is proposed where we conceptualize IMA as a process triggered by agile logic (a nonconformist and open mental stance) and facilitated by agile learning (being able to search and interpret data), to cause agile actions (being able to commit, co-ordinate and respond quickly with flexibility to ever-changing conditions).

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