Integration Strategies Using a Modular Architecture for Mobile Robots in the Rehabilitation Field
Tóm tắt
This paper describes an integration strategy based upon a modular architecture which is meant to improve access to assistive technical devices in the rehabilitation field. This system concept is now known as M3S: Multiple Master Multiple Slave. With M3S, it is possible to connect input devices (like joysticks and keyboards) to end-effectors (like wheelchairs, robots and infra-red remote controllers) to form an integral aid which offers disabled people better opportunities to function as independently as possible. Since M3S is based upon a modular architecture, it allows users (disabled people, attendants, therapists) to compile a specific package of any combination of technical aids to a complete integral system, while still permitting them to extend or modify the system later on. Furthermore the system can be used right-away without any special adaptations using the M3S plug-and-play capabilities. The power of such an integrated system have been shown in several user evaluations in various countries around Europe. The M3S specification is an open standard available for free, M3S has also been proposed to the ISO for formal standardization. For the development of M3S devices a complete set of software tools is available at no cost, hardware starter kits are available for a small fee. Information about M3S can be acquired from the M3S web server ( or directly from the M3S Dissemination office.
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