Influence of glacial turbidity and climate on diatom communities in two Fjord Lakes (British Columbia, Canada)
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Inputs of glacial meltwater and changes in climate can profoundly influence lake ecosystems. Anderson and Seton lakes, two morphologically and chemically similar fjord lakes within the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia, experience a common biogeoclimatic setting, yet contrasting turbid-water influences from a hydroelectric development which diverts glacially-turbid water into Seton Lake, but not Anderson Lake. We conducted a comparative paleolimnological study of these two lakes to infer climatic and hydro-system influences affecting the freshwater algal community over the past ~ 200 years. Paleolimnological analysis of multiple cores for sedimentary diatom assemblages from Seton Lake revealed substantial diversion-related reductions in diatom concentrations and fluxes following the completion of the Bridge River Diversion (ca. 1950). Diatom compositional changes in Seton Lake were consistent with decreased light penetration due to increased turbidity. These changes did not occur in Anderson Lake, indicating the changes in the Seton Lake cores were likely driven by inflow of the glacially-turbid waters. Both lakes exhibited diatom compositional changes ca. 1980, with a rise in Lindavia comensis coincident with significant increases in local mean annual air temperatures and presumably associated limnological changes. Modern phytoplankton data, collected as part of this study, provides support for the occurrence of different L. comensis morphs throughout the sampling period (May–October) in Anderson Lake and in the fall in Seton Lake. The rise of L. comensis in both Anderson and Seton lakes is conceivably linked to the recent ice-free conditions enabling this taxon to persist throughout the year.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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