
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER BASEL AG , Birkhauser Verlag Basel

Lĩnh vực:
EcologyAquatic ScienceWater Science and TechnologyEcology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Tập 27 - Trang 193-204 - 1965
E. Märki, Alfons Zehnder, E. Trüeb, R. Hantke, K. Wuhrmann, A. von Hirschheydt, A. Hörler, E. Messikommer, E. Landolt, F. Zehender, R. Gächter
Zwei neueSynechococcus-Arten aus dem Zürichsee
Tập 42 - Trang 247-254 - 1980
Chang Tsang-Pi
Synechococcus virga-rosea n. sp. andSynechococcus rubescens n. sp. were described in this study.
The influence of selenium on photosynthesis and "light-enhanced dark respiration" (LEDR) in the flagellate Euglena gracilis after exposure to ultraviolet radiation
- 2001
Nils G.A. Ekelund, Roman A. Danilov
Photodamage of photosynthesis arises from oxidative damage. One of the protective mechanisms is to convert excessive absorbed energy into thermal radiation. Another mechanism could be to strengthen the antioxidative capacity of plants and algae. Selenium is important in antioxidation in humans and may play a role in antioxidative mechanisms in plants. The aim of this investigation was to study the role of selenium in "light-enhanced dark respiration" (LEDR) and photosynthesis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis, after exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV-radiation). Selenium was added into the growth medium at different concentrations of selenite (10-7, 10-8, 10-9 and 10-10 M, Na2SeO3· 5H2O). E. gracilis were given six different light pulses with a photon fluence rate of 59, 163, 600, 1180, 2080 and 3340 μmol m-2 s-1 and periods of darkness between the light pulses. Photosynthetic saturation occurred at irradiances higher than 600 μmol m-2 s-1 and at the highest irradiance the photosynthetic rate decreased due to photoinhibition. Without any exposure to UV-radiation (UV-A, 320-400 nm, of 1.02 W m-2 plus UV-B, 280-320 nm, of 0.73 W m-2) LEDR increased with increasing photon fluence rate. After 40 min exposure to UV-radiation, photosynthetic rate and LEDR as functions of photon fluence rate were reduced. Neither in control (no UV-radiation) or when measured immediately after exposure to UV-radiation selenium had no stimulating effects on photosynthesis and LEDR. However, after UV-treatment and 24 h of recovery the presence of selenium led to an increase in photosynthesis and LEDR at higher irradiances. The results indicates that selenium might play a role in the repair mechanisms in E. gracilis after UV treatments.
How a millennium of fishing changed fish populations: a case study of Lake Peipus and the Velikaya River (NW Russia)
Tập 77 - Trang 325-336 - 2014
Anastasia Yurtseva, Elena Salmina, Alfred Galik, Dmitry Lajus
The Velikaya River is the principal river flowing into the southern part of Lake Peipus, which is situated in the basin of the Gulf of Finland, an arm of the Baltic Sea. Lake Peipus is one of the largest and most productive freshwater bodies in Europe. An important population center in ancient Russia, the town of Pskov sits on the downstream part of the Velikaya. Here fisheries resources have been exploited for millennia. Local archaeological materials and historical documents provide unique opportunities for examining the historical ecology of this river and lake ecosystem. This study describes millennium-long changes in fish populations in the Velikaya River and Lake Peipus and discovers the factors responsible for them. We analyzed 5,981 fish remains dating from the 4th to the 18th centuries collected at two archaeological sites in Pskov and its surroundings. During this 1500-year period, three species predominated: pike, perch and bream together composed about three-quarters of identified bone elements. Fish sizes estimated from bone remains showed that target species, particularly bream and perch, tended to be larger before 1800 than in 20th century landings. Catch composition also changed over this long period, with increased contribution from smaller species such as whitebait, ruffe and vendace, especially in the 20th century. The main driver of the observed changes was fishing, with other human-induced factors and climate change being less important.
Phytoplankton taxonomic and functional diversity in two shallow alluvial lakes with contrasting river connectivity
Tập 84 - Trang 1-15 - 2022
Diego Frau, Alfonso Pineda, Gisela Mayora, Melina Devercelli
The mechanisms behind phytoplankton diversity patterns in natural ecosystems still remain elusive. In two shallow lakes with contrasting river connectivity, we first explored how diversity within each sampling (alfa diversity, α), among samplings (beta diversity, β1), and among hydrological seasons (β2) contributed to the diversity registered throughout the whole year (gamma diversity, γ). Then we estimated the importance of several environmental and temporal factors as structuring factors of these diversity patterns. To do this, we sampled the two lakes—one laterally isolated and other laterally connected lake with the Paraná River System—during a complete hydrological year. For the analyses, we considered both the species and the functional group level. At the species level, temporal variation (β1 + β2) made the main contribution for gamma diversity at the connected lake, possibly related to the constant species input from the river system. For the isolated lake, however, α was the main contributor. Regarding functional groups, α was the most important for both lakes, although no element of gamma diversity was different from the null model. Environmental factors like conductivity, turbidity, nutrient availability, and flood phases appeared as more relevant for the connected lake. Temporal processes (e.g., succession, ecological drift) were critical for the observed diversity patterns in both lakes. These results were consistent particularly considering the taxonomical approach. Our main findings are that the environment influences phytoplankton diversity patterns; however, other dynamics occurring on temporal scales may be more relevant for the phytoplankton community.
Le régime thermique des eaux de l'Ardèche dans son cours inférieur
Tập 49 - Trang 29-41 - 1987
Par S. Dolédec
A study of the thermal regime of the Lower Ardeche River was carried out from July 1982 to December 1984 using a chemical method (sucrose inversion) and a continuous temperature recorder. Yearly, monthly and daily temperature fluctuations were analyzed. The main factors that influence thermal variations are air temperature and geomorphology of the canyon. The hydrological regime is responsible of the water temperature fluctuations between years Despite the low winter temperatures, the Lower Ardeche can be classified among Mediterranean rivers, which typically have a very high maximum in summer.
Das Hamburgbecken
Tập 22 - Trang 486-492 - 1960
D. Kehr
Correction to: Patterns and controls of mercury accumulation in sediments from three thermokarst lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
Tập 81 - Trang 1-2 - 2018
S. M. Burke, C. E. Zimmerman, B. A. Branfireun, J. C. Koch, H. K. Swanson
In the original publication, the incorrect GIS map projection was used to calculate lake surface areas and catchment areas that were presented
A global boom in hydropower dam construction
Tập 77 Số 1 - Trang 161-170 - 2015
Christiane Zarfl, Alexander E. Lumsdon, Jürgen Berlekamp, Laura Tydecks, Klement Tockner