Influence of cellular models and individual factor in the biological response to chest CT scan exams
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While computed tomography (CT) exams are the major cause of medical exposure to ionising radiation, there is increasing evidence that the potential radiation-induced risks must be documented. We investigated the impact of cellular models and individual factor on the deoxyribonucleic acid double-strand breaks (DSB) recognition and repair in human fibroblasts and mammary epithelial cells exposed to current chest CT scan conditions. Twelve human primary fibroblasts and four primary human mammary epithelial cell lines with different levels of radiosensitivity/susceptibility were exposed to a standard chest CT scan exam using adapted phantoms. Cells were exposed to a single helical irradiation (14.4 mGy) or to a topogram followed, after 1 min, by one single helical examination (1.1 mGy + 14.4 mGy). DSB signalling and repair was assessed through anti-γH2AX and anti-pATM immunofluorescence. Chest CT scan induced a significant number of γH2AX and pATM foci. The kinetics of both biomarkers were found strongly dependent on the individual factor. The topogram may also influence the biological response of radiosensitive/susceptible fibroblasts to irradiation. Altogether, our findings show that a chest CT scan exam may result in 2 to 3 times more unrepaired DSB in cells from radiosensitive/susceptible patients. Both individual and tissue factors in the recognition and repair of DSB after current CT scan exams are important. Further investigations are needed to better define the radiosensitivity/susceptibility of individual humans.
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