Influence of annealing on the metal/semiconductor contacts deposited on sulfur-treated n-GaAs surface

Semiconductors - Tập 45 - Trang 1148-1152 - 2011
E. V. Erofeev1, V. A. Kagadei2
1Micran Research and Production Company, Tomsk, Russia
2OOO Submicron Technologies, Tomsk, Russia

Tóm tắt

Comparative analysis of the influence of thermal annealing on Ge/Au/Ni-, Ge/Au/Ti/Au-, and Ge/Au/Ni/Ti/Au-based ohmic contacts and Ti/Au-based Schottky contacts deposited on an n-GaAs (100) surface treated and nontreated in (NH4)2S aqueous solution have been performed. Annealing conditions for ohmic contacts are found that lead to a decrease in the specific contact resistance of sulfur-treated samples by a factor of 2.5–15 in comparison with the nontreated samples. Optimal annealing conditions are also determined for sulfur-treated GaAs samples with Schottky contacts, which make it possible to reduce the ideality factor and increase the barrier height and the breakdown voltage with respect to the nontreated samples.

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