Influence of Cultural Practices on the Performance of Long Level Basins in Egypt

Z. El-Haddad1, A.J. Clemmens2, M. El-Ansary1, M. Awad1
1Zagazig University, Moshtohor, Egypt
2USDA/ARS, U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory, Phoenix, USA

Tóm tắt

Several field studies were conducted tobetter understand the influence of culturalpractices, inflow rate and field conditionson the performance of modern surfaceirrigation systems in Egypt. Field datawere collected on wheat and cotton underEgyptian conditions in order to estimateinfiltration, roughness and performanceparameters. Tests were made with a varietyof inflow rates and a variety ofcross-section shapes (flat or furrowed andseveral furrow spacings). These studiesprovide information on expected values ofinfiltration and roughness parameterstypical of cracking clay soils in the NileDelta, as well as guidelines andrecommendations for use of long-levelbasins in Egypt.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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