Individualized acquisition of knowledge with the computer: Questioning and learning guided by the structure of knowledge
Tóm tắt
In the first part of this article, we define our view of knowledge acquisition by distinguishing it from text comprehension and memorization, and by presenting the principal characteristics of the concept of knowledge as the formalization used to shape the knowledge domains (Baudet & Denhière, 1988). In the second part, the computerized individual’s knowledge acquisition system we present permits a representation of memory knowledge in accordance with the formalization adopted. This also allows a diagnosis of the learner’s initial knowledge and, according to the diagnosis reached, presents texts and illustrations adapted with the learner’s initial knowledge and with the goal of reaching a particular state of knowledge (Poitrenaud, Denhière & Tapiero, 1987). Finally, in the last part, we relate the first experimental results of learning a particular knowledge domain: sea mammals. This experiment tested the system with children of 7 to 11 years of age (Tapiero, 1987).
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