Increasing Communication Among Nursing Home Residents

Rebecca Allen-Burge1, Louis D. Burgio1, Michelle S. Bourgeois2, Richard Sims3, Jennifer Nunnikhoven3
1Department of Psychology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
2Department of Communication Disorders, Florida State University, Tallahassee
3Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham

Tóm tắt

In this preliminary, intrasubject study (N = 8), we examined the effects of communication skills training and the use of memory books by Nursing Assistants (NAs) on the social ecology of a nursing home. Through inservice and on-the-job training, NAs were taught to use communication skills and memory books during their interactions with residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment (Mini Mental Status Examination, M = 16.25), but relatively intact communication abilities. An abbreviated staff motivational system called Behavioral Supervision (Burgio and Burgio, 1990. Int. J. Aging Hum. Deve. 30: 287–302.) was attempted to encourage performance of these skills on the nursing units. Results showed that, regardless of sporadic implementation of the intervention by nursing staff, the intervention improved communication between staff and residents during care routines, increased the amount of time other residents and visitors spent talking with target residents, and increased the rate of positive statements made by the target residents and others in their immediate environment. Results are discussed in terms of limitations of the staff motivational system and modifications made to the system in a larger ongoing intervention trial.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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