Improvement of Seed Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) as Affected by Brassinolide under Different Irrigation Regimes
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Irrigation interruption owing to time of incidence is affecting the seed quality. The aim of this research was to determine whether the brassinolide and spraying time of this hormone in two stages of applying irrigation interruption could be improved the quality of produced grain wheat during 2014-2016. Irrigation regimes were carried out at irrigation interruption from the flowering and grain-filling stage and full irrigation as a control. The second factor was including factorial of zero, 0.05, and 0.1 mg 1−1 of brassinolide and spraying time before the flowering and grain-filling stages. The maximum grain weight had no significant difference between the both irrigation interruptions. The lowest period and the highest rate of grain filling were observed after irrigation interruption in the flowering stage. The seed germination and vigor index of seedlings were increased in irrigation interruption at the flowering stage and without the spraying of hormones. The foliar application of 0.1 mg 1−1 brassinolide caused the highest seedling vigor index and the lowest electrolyte leakage from grain. Overall, the application of 0.1 mg 1−1 brassinolide improved the quality of wheat seed affected by the irrigation interruption at the flowering and grain-filling stages in water restriction.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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