Impacts of climate factors on yields for selected crops in the Southern Turkey
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This study aims to identify therelationship between the climatic variablesand yields of three crops (wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize (Zeamays L.) and cotton (Gossypiumhirsitum L.) in the Cukurova region ofTurkey. In the study, time series data wereused to analyse crop yields across variousclimate factors for the period 1975 to1999. The climatic variables were arrangedaccording to phonological periods of theexamined crops such as planting, floweringand harvesting time. A linear perturbationmodel (LPM) was used for the identificationof the role of climate variables. 27climatic factors were considered asexplanatory variables in the model. Astepwise selection method in the selectionand introduction of independent variableswas used for regression equation for wheat,maize and cotton. The results of the linearperturbation model (LPM) showed that theR2 values for wheat, maize and cottonwere found 46.1%, 57.2% and 74.5%,respectively. The highest variationcoefficient (CV) was found in maizeproduction (43.4%) followed by cotton(23.14%) and wheat (15.29%). The mostsignificant climatic factor affectingdeviations in crop yields is related intemperature at planting, flowering andharvesting time. It is suggested thatfarmers would be better off with theapplying adaptation measurements. Therefore, policy makers should focusefforts on reducing production risksproviding climatic information anddeveloping risk management institutions.
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