Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on perishable food supply chain management: a contingent Resource-Based View (RBV) perspective
Tóm tắt
This study investigates the impact of supplier visibility on the adoption of sustainable practices and supply chain performance. The paper applies contingent Resource-Based View to explain how information sharing with customers and suppliers and supply chain traceability has influenced visibility; visibility has impacted supply chain velocity sustainable practices, and finally, supply chain performance.
This research analyses 263 survey responses from UK retail (grocery) stores' executives and managers for perishable food during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The research results indicate that both supply chain traceability and information sharing (customers) positively influence visibility. Further, visibility positively influences the adoption of sustainable practices and velocity, positively impacting supply chain performance. However, information sharing with the customer has no significant influence on performance, and information sharing with the supplier has no significant relationship with visibility.
This research is the first attempt that explores the contingent Resource-Based View for the perishable food supply chain. Further, the empirical evidence provides meaningful insights for academics and industry by filling a crucial lacuna in the literature.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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