Identification of a Newly Characterized HIV-1 BG Intersubtype Circulating Recombinant Form in Galicia, Spain, Which Exhibits a Pseudotype-Like Virion Structure

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) - Tập 29 Số 5 - Trang 536-543 - 2002
Elena Delgado1, Michael M. Thomson, María Luisa Villahermosa, María Sierra, Antonio Ocampo, Celia Miralles, Raúl Rodríguez-Pérez, Julio Diz-Arén, Rafael Ojea-de Castro, Elena Losada, María Teresa Cuevas, Elena Vázquez-de Parga, Rocı́o Carmona, Lucía Pérez-Álvarez, Leandro Medrano, Laureano Cuevas, José Antonio Franco Taboada, Rafael Nájera
1Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ctra. Majadahonda-Pozuelo, Km. 2, 28220 Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain.

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