Identification and functional annotation of novel microRNAs in the proximal sciatic nerve after sciatic nerve transection
Tóm tắt
The peripheral nervous system is able to regenerate after injury, and regeneration is associated with the expression of many genes and proteins. MicroRNAs are evolutionarily conserved, small, non-coding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression at the level of translation. In this paper, we focus on the identification and functional annotation of novel microRNAs in the proximal sciatic nerve after rat sciatic nerve transection. Using Solexa sequencing, computational analysis, and quantitative reverse transcription PCR verification, we identified 98 novel microRNAs expressed on days 0, 1, 4, 7, and 14 after nerve transection. Furthermore, we predicted the target genes of these microRNAs and analyzed the biological processes in which they were involved. The identified biological processes were consistent with the known time-frame of peripheral nerve injury and repair. Our data provide an important resource for further study of the role and regulation of microRNAs in peripheral nerve injury and regeneration.
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