Human-Humanoid Interaction and Cooperation: a Review

Current Robotics Reports - Tập 2 - Trang 441-454 - 2021
Lorenzo Vianello1,2, Luigi Penco1, Waldez Gomes1, Yang You1, Salvatore Maria Anzalone3, Pauline Maurice1, Vincent Thomas1, Serena Ivaldi1
1Inria, Loria, Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Nancy, France
2CRAN, Nancy, France
3Laboratoire CHArt, Université Paris 8, Paris, France

Tóm tắt

Humanoid robots are versatile platforms with the potential to assist humans in several domains, from education to healthcare, from entertainment to the factory of the future. To find their place into our daily life, where complex interactions and collaborations with humans are expected, their social and physical interaction skills need to be further improved. The hallmark of humanoids is their anthropomorphic shape, which facilitates the interaction but at the same time increases the expectations of the human in terms of advanced cooperation capabilities. Cooperation with humans requires an appropriate modeling and real-time estimation of the human state and intention. This information is required both at a high level by the cooperative decision-making policy and at a low level by the interaction controller that implements the physical interaction. Real-time constraints induce simplified models that limit the decision capabilities of the robot during cooperation. In this article, we review the current achievements in the context of human-humanoid interaction and cooperation. We report on the cognitive and cooperation skills that the robot needs to help humans achieve their goals, and how these high-level skills translate into the robot’s low-level control commands. Finally, we report on the applications of humanoid robots as humans’ companions, co-workers, or avatars.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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