How do family influence on career choices and perceived social support affect students’ life satisfaction in Turkey? The role of vocational outcome expectations as mediator

Yavuz Aslan1, Orhan Koçak2
1Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin, Turkey
2Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, İstanbul, Turkey

Tóm tắt

This study aimed to examine the relationships between family influence on career choices with perceived social support, vocational outcome expectations, and life satisfaction of university students. Correlational research method was used in the study. The results showed that family influence on career choices and perceived social support were positive and significant predictors of vocational outcome expectations and life satisfaction. In addition, vocational outcome expectations was a positive and significant predictor of life satisfaction. Vocational outcome expectations partially mediated the relationship between family influence on career choices, perceived social support, and life satisfaction.

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