Geochemical partitioning of actinides using sequential chemical extractions: Comparison to stable elements

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - Tập 234 - Trang 251-256 - 1998
M. K. Schultz1, W. Burnett2, K. G. W. Inn1, G. Smith2
1National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, USA
2Department of Oceanography, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA

Tóm tắt

We have developed a sequential extraction technique for determining the geochemical partitioning of Am, Pu, and U in soils and sediments. Stable element analyses were combined with radiometric measurements to determine the most probable geochemical host phases of these actinides in reference sediment IAEA-135.241 Am results indicate an association with carbonate minerals and organic matter. The extraction profile of238U was similar to that of refractory elements Al, Ti, and K.239/240Pu data suggest a fractionation of Pu into Fe-bearing phases of varying solubility. The reproducibility of the method was quite good (replicates agreed to within 10% at a 95% confidence level).

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