Gentrification and Community Fabric in Chicago

Urban Studies - Tập 48 Số 2 - Trang 383-406 - 2011
John J. Betancur1
1John Betancur is in the Faculty of Urban Planning and Policy, at University of Illinois at Chicago, 412 S. Peoria Street, Chicago, Illinois, IL 60607, USA,

Tóm tắt

Critical authors of gentrification point to its deleterious impacts on displaced residents. Research on the nature or actual forms of impacts has not advanced much, however. This paper attempts to specify impacts on low-income racial/ethnic groups (Latinos in particular) in five Chicago neighbourhoods, with a particular focus on neighbourhood-based fabrics of support and advancement. Limited in their mobility and exchange value resources, lower-income groups depend on such fabrics far more than do the higher income. In fact, they have fewer choices and are most vulnerable to place-based shifts. The case seems especially challenging for minorities who, like European immigrants before them, depend largely on place-based platforms/social fabrics but, unlike them, confront the added factors of race and urban restructuring.

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