Urban Studies



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Urban StudiesEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)

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Urban Studies is the leading international peer-reviewed journal for urban scholarship. Since its inception in 1964, the journal has remained at the forefront of intellectual and policy debates on the city, and has hosted ground-breaking contributions from across the full range of social science disciplines. The Editors aim to maintain and extend the role of Urban Studies as the journal of choice for those working on the cutting edge of academic research about cities. We welcome all original submissions that further our understanding of the urban condition and the rapid changes taking place in cities and regions across the globe, whether from an empirical, theoretical, or a policy perspective. In addition to research articles, Urban Studies publishes peer-reviewed critical commentaries and book reviews besides a regular series of Special Issues. The journal is also committed to developing Social Media as the means of informing debates about the contemporary urban condition.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Suburban Sprawl or Urban Centres: Tensions and Contradictions of Smart Growth Approaches in Denver, Colorado
Tập 50 Số 11 - Trang 2178-2195 - 2013
Andrew R. Goetz
During the post-war era in the United States, the low-density suburban sprawl model has been the dominant paradigm of urban growth. In recognition of the significant economic, social and environmental costs of sprawl, a new smart growth paradigm of higher-density, mixed-use and transit-oriented urban centres has emerged in many metropolitan areas. A case study of Denver, Colorado, shows that the smart growth approach has been more effective than previous initiatives to change the development pattern and address the costs of sprawl. With many new urbanist projects and an aggressive transit-oriented development programme, Denver is offering a different urban alternative to its sprawling past. A broader coalition of support, especially including the development community, has characterised smart growth efforts in contrast to previous growth control initiatives. New forms of regional collaboration have contributed to a stronger regional identity, less jurisdictional infighting and greater consensus on issues of regional importance.
Encouraging Walking: The Case of Journey-to-school Trips in Compact Urban Areas
Tập 38 Số 7 - Trang 1121-1141 - 2001
Colin Black, Allan J. Collins, Martin Snell
An activity-based approach is used to analyse one specific short-trip purpose that has persistently frustrated transport analysts trying to induce more walk, cycle or public transport based trips. This study of the journey-to-school trip is motivated by a general consensus that, to effect a more sustainable transport system, there is a necessity to reduce car use (especially for short trips). Resistance to modal transfer from cars has been shown to be embedded in various psycho-social obstacles which are not readily teased out in orthodox econometric studies of travel demand. We report on an empirical study which fuses psychometric (construction of coping scales) and econometric analyses (logit analysis) in an attempt to uncover the psychological and sociological factors influencing modal choice, as well as the usual range of economic and demographic factors.
Home-ownership as a social norm and positional good: Subjective wellbeing evidence from panel data
Tập 55 Số 6 - Trang 1290-1312 - 2018
Chris Foye, David Clapham, Tommaso Gabrieli
Much attention has been devoted to examining the absolute benefits of home-ownership (e.g. security and autonomy). This paper, by contrast, is concerned with conceptualising and testing the relative benefits of home-ownership; those benefits that depend on an individual’s status in society. Home-ownership has previously been analysed as a social norm, implying that the relative benefits (costs) associated with being an owner (renter) are positively related to relevant others’ home-ownership values. The theoretical contribution of this paper is to additionally conceptualise home-ownership as a positional good, implying that the status of both home-owners and renters is negatively related to relevant others’ home-ownership consumption. The empirical contribution of this paper is to quantitatively test for these relative benefits in terms of subjective wellbeing. We run fixed effects regressions on three waves of the British Household Panel Study. We find that (1) a strengthening of relevant others’ home-ownership values is associated with increases (decreases) in the subjective wellbeing of home-owners (renters), and (2) an increase in relevant others’ home-ownership consumption decreases the life satisfaction of owners but has no effect for renters. Overall our findings suggest that (1) the relative benefits of home-ownership are both statistically significant and of a meaningful magnitude, and (2) home-ownership is likely to be both a social norm and a positional good. Without explicitly recognising these relative benefits, policymakers risk overestimating the contribution of home-ownership to societal wellbeing.
Land Markets in African Cities: The Case of Peri-urban Accra, Ghana
Tập 37 Số 13 - Trang 2485-2500 - 2000
Katherine V. Gough, Paul W. K. Yankson
Land markets in African cities are characterised by the co-existence of different modes of supply that originate from the different stages of their development. Customary land tenure remains important in many of these cities, although its future is widely disputed. This paper discusses the implications of the co-existence of customary land tenure and state involvement in the land market in peri-urban Accra, where land is rapidly being converted from agricultural to residential use. The land market is shown to be complex and diverse, characterised by a high level of uncertainty and widespread disputes. The strong sense of cultural identity associated with customary land, and the difficulties of introducing major changes to land markets, however, point towards maintaining a modified form of customary land tenure.
In Defence of Shift-Share
Tập 16 Số 3 - Trang 309-319 - 1979
Stephen Fothergill, Graham Gudgin
The paper argues that criticisms of shift-share techniques are insufficiently strong to affect its application to the analysis of regional growth in the United Kingdom. Evidence for the 11 British regions for 1952-75 is used to demonstrate the robustness of the technique in the context of differing levels of sectoral disaggregation and choice of base years and the technique is then extended to incorporate multiplier and linkage effects. Finally its utility is compared with that of analysis of variance techniques for standardising for industrial structure.
Urban rapid rail transit and gentrification in Canadian urban centres: A survival analysis approach
Tập 52 Số 1 - Trang 178-194 - 2015
Annelise Grube-Cavers, Zachary Patterson
Despite the existing knowledge that urban rapid rail transit has many effects on surrounding areas, and despite some attempts to understand the links between transit and gentrification, there remain methodological gaps in the research. This study addresses the relationship between the implementation of urban rapid rail transit and gentrification, which is conceived of as an event. As such, an event analysis approach using ‘survival analysis’ is adopted as the statistical analytical tool. It tests whether proximity to rail transit is related to the onset of gentrification in census tracts in Canada’s largest cities. It is found that proximity to rail transit, and to other gentrifying census tracts, have a statistically significant effect on gentrification in two of the three cities analysed. By providing a methodological framework for the empirical analysis of the impact of urban rail transit on gentrification, this paper is a reference for both researchers and transportation planners.
Gentrification and Community Fabric in Chicago
Tập 48 Số 2 - Trang 383-406 - 2011
John J. Betancur
Critical authors of gentrification point to its deleterious impacts on displaced residents. Research on the nature or actual forms of impacts has not advanced much, however. This paper attempts to specify impacts on low-income racial/ethnic groups (Latinos in particular) in five Chicago neighbourhoods, with a particular focus on neighbourhood-based fabrics of support and advancement. Limited in their mobility and exchange value resources, lower-income groups depend on such fabrics far more than do the higher income. In fact, they have fewer choices and are most vulnerable to place-based shifts. The case seems especially challenging for minorities who, like European immigrants before them, depend largely on place-based platforms/social fabrics but, unlike them, confront the added factors of race and urban restructuring.
Is empowerment a route to improving mental health and wellbeing in an urban regeneration (UR) context?
Tập 54 Số 7 - Trang 1619-1637 - 2017
C Baba, Ade Kearns, Emma McIntosh, Carol Tannahill, Jim Lewsey
Urban regeneration (UR) programmes are recognised as a type of Population Health Intervention (PHI), addressing social and health inequalities. Policy recommends programmes involve communities through engagement and empowerment. Whilst the literature has started to link empowerment with health improvement, this has not been within an UR context. As part of broader research on the economic evaluation of community empowerment activities, this paper examines how health gains can be generated through promoting empowerment as well as identifying whether feelings of empowerment are associated with residents personal characteristics or perceptions of their neighbourhood. Using 2011 Community Health and Wellbeing Survey (GoWell) cross-sectional data, ordinal logistic regression and simple linear regression analysis of 15 Glasgow neighbourhoods undergoing regeneration with 4302 adult householders (≥16 years old) was completed. Analyses identified strong associations ( P≥ 0.05) between empowerment and the mental health subscale of the SF12v2 and with several items of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) scale. Furthermore, residents’ who felt more empowered reported more positive attitudes towards their surroundings and housing providers. This concurs with recent evidence of the importance of residents’ psychological investments in their neighbourhood influencing their sense of place attachment. Such analyses present initial evidence of the value of investing resources within UR programmes to activities geared towards increasing residents’ empowerment as a means of producing those health gains often sought by more costly aspects of the programmes.
Models of the Central Place System: A More General Approach
Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 35-49 - 1978
John B. Parr
This paper investigates a central place model which possesses much of the simplicity of the Christaller model but which is of considerably greater generality. A prominent feature of the model is the existence of a hierarchy of central places which is based on functional complexity. The model has a number of conceptual advantages over the Christaller model, but also appears to offer a more accurate basis for the description and analysis of actual central place systems.
Urbanisation and Water Consumption: Influencing Factors in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona
Tập 43 Số 9 - Trang 1605-1623 - 2006
Elena Domene, David Saurı́
This paper is concerned with the relationships between urbanisation and residential water consumption, taking as a case study the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. More precisely, it investigates the influence of certain demographic, behavioural and housing factors on this consumption using descriptive statistics and a regression analysis. The data are derived from a sample of 532 households in 22 municipalities of the study area. Results show that income, housing type, members per household, the presence of outdoor uses (garden and swimming pool), the kind of species planted in the garden and consumer behaviour towards conservation practices play a significant role in explaining variations in water consumption. It is concluded that, along with prices and incomes, further research is needed on other demographic and housing variables in order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the determinants of domestic water consumption in areas periodically affected by water stress.