Genomic evidence for a repetitive nature of the RAPD polymorphisms in Olea europaea (olive-tree)

Euphytica - 2003
Rocío Bautista1, Francisco M. Cánovas1, M. Gonzalo Claros1
1Departamento de Biología Molecular y Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias e Instituto Andaluz de Biotecnología, Unidad Asociada UMA-CSIC, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain

Tóm tắt

The sequence of 12 SCAR markers obtained for olive-tree was analysed in the seek of information about the nature of the RAPD polymorphisms in olive-tree. The absence of internal repetitions of the RAPD primer corroborates that the polymorphisms were not obtained by alternative priming nor by rearrangements. We have found a high degree repetition within each sequence which is a reflect of the repetitive nature of the RAPD polymorphisms. Most the sequence corresponded to unknown DNA sequences, although some of the SCAR markers like GH1,PH2 or PF84 present clear homology or identity to other repetitive sequences(mainly microsatellites) from other plants or animals. This suggests that repetitive sequences could be more conserved among species than initially thought. As expected, none of the markers presented any open reading frame, although PJ65 revealed a significant homology to the gene and pseudo gene of a lectin receptor in Arabidopsis. Taken together, the results described in this paper demonstrate that the polymorphisms detected by SCAR/RAPD methods are mainly repetitive in olive-tree, and that most of these repetitions corresponded to micro satellite DNA.

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