Gaudin models and multipoint conformal blocks. Part II. Comb channel vertices in 3D and 4D

Journal of High Energy Physics - Tập 2021 - Trang 1-69 - 2021
Ilija Burić1, Sylvain Lacroix2,3, Jeremy Mann1, Lorenzo Quintavalle1, Volker Schomerus1,2,3
1DESY Theory Group, DESY Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
2II. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
3Zentrum für Mathematische Physik, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Tóm tắt

It was recently shown that multi-point conformal blocks in higher dimensional conformal field theory can be considered as joint eigenfunctions for a system of commuting differential operators. The latter arise as Hamiltonians of a Gaudin integrable system. In this work we address the reduced fourth order differential operators that measure the choice of 3-point tensor structures for all vertices of 3- and 4-dimensional comb channel conformal blocks. These vertices come associated with a single cross ratio. Remarkably, we identify the vertex operators as Hamiltonians of a crystallographic elliptic Calogero-Moser-Sutherland model that was discovered originally by Etingof, Felder, Ma and Veselov. Our construction is based on a further development of the embedding space formalism for mixed-symmetry tensor fields. The results thereby also apply to comb channel vertices of 5- and 6-point functions in arbitrary dimension.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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