Gastronomic satisfaction of the tourist: empirical study in the Creative City of Popayán, Colombia
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Currently, gastronomy is a fundamental element for tourists to discover the culture and traditions of a destination. The transcendence granted to a culinary experience in a specific place can become a fundamental motivation for the visit and determine the level of satisfaction reached. In this research, the relationship between tourism and gastronomy is analysed in the city of Popayán, Colombia, a city that has received recognition from UNESCO as a Creative City of Gastronomy. To do this, we examine the influence of different dimensions of culinary motivation in the satisfaction with gastronomy that is experienced during the visit. In addition, we analyse the role of tourist attitude towards culinary experience in gastronomy satisfaction. The methodology used in this research is based on partial least squares structural equation modelling. The main results indicate that the importance of the culinary experience of the tourist in the choice of the destination mediates the effect that culinary motivations exercise on the satisfaction with the gastronomy.
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