From Emerson-Lei automata to deterministic, limit-deterministic or good-for-MDP automata

Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering - Tập 18 - Trang 385-403 - 2022
Tobias John1, Simon Jantsch1, Christel Baier1, Sascha Klüppelholz1
1Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Tóm tắt

The topic of this paper is the determinization problem of $$\omega $$ -automata under the transition-based Emerson-Lei acceptance (called TELA), which generalizes all standard acceptance conditions and is defined using positive Boolean formulas. Such automata can be determinized by first constructing an equivalent generalized Büchi automaton (GBA), which is later determinized. The problem of constructing an equivalent GBA is considered in detail, and three new approaches of solving it are proposed. Furthermore, a new determinization construction is introduced which determinizes several GBA separately and combines them using a product construction. An experimental evaluation shows that the product approach is competitive when compared with state-of-the-art determinization procedures. The second part of the paper studies limit-determinization of TELA and we show that this can be done with a single-exponential blow-up, in contrast to the known double-exponential lower-bound for determinization. Finally, one version of the limit-determinization procedure yields good-for-MDP automata which can be used for quantitative probabilistic model checking.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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