Formation and Stability of ω-3 Oil Emulsion-Based Delivery Systems Using Plant Proteins as Emulsifiers: Lentil, Pea, and Faba Bean Proteins
Tóm tắt
Many sectors of the food industry are interested in replacing synthetic or animal-based ingredients with plant-based alternatives to create products that are more natural, environmentally friendly, and sustainable. In this study, the ability of several plant protein concentrates to act as natural emulsifiers in oil-in-water emulsions fortified with omega-3 fatty acids was investigated. The impact of emulsifier type on the formation and stability of the emulsions was determined by measuring changes in droplet characteristics (size and charge) under different homogenization, pH, salt, and temperature conditions. Pea (Pisum sativum), lentil (Lens culinaris) and faba bean (Vicia faba) protein concentrates all proved to be effective emulsifiers for forming and stabilizing 10 wt% algae oil-in-water emulsions produced by high-pressure homogenization. The droplet size decreased with increasing emulsifier concentration, and relatively small oil droplets (d < 0.3 μm) could be formed at higher emulsifier levels (5% protein). Lentil protein-coated droplets were the most stable to environmental stresses such as pH, ionic strength and temperature changes. These results have important implications for the production of functional foods and beverages from natural plant-based ingredients.
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