Flags in zero dimensional complete intersection algebras and indices of real vector fields

Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 260 - Trang 77-91 - 2007
L. Giraldo1,2, X. Gómez-Mont3, P. Mardešić4
1Dep. Matemáticas, Universidad de Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain
2Dep. Geometría y Topología, F. Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
3CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico
4Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, U.M.R. 5584 du C.N.R.S., Université de Bourgogne, Dijon Cedex, France

Tóm tắt

We introduce bilinear forms in a flag in a complete intersection local $$\mathbb {R}$$ -algebra of dimension 0, related to the Eisenbud–Levine, Khimshiashvili bilinear form. We give a variational interpretation of these forms in terms of Jantzen’s filtration and bilinear forms. We use the signatures of these forms to compute in the real case the constant relating the GSV-index with the signature function of vector fields tangent to an even dimensional hypersurface singularity, one being topologically defined and the other computable with finite dimensional commutative algebra methods.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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