Fine structural morphology of identified X- and Y-cells in the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus

The Royal Society - Tập 221 Số 1225 - Trang 411-436 - 1984
James R. Wilson1,2, Neelanjan Bose1,2, S. Murray Sherman1,2
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Four physiologically identified neurons in the A laminae of the cat’s dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus were filled with horseradish peroxidase and studied using the electron microscope. Two were X-cells and two were Y-cells. Each had electrophysiological properties appropriate for its X- or Y-cell class, and each also had an axon that projected into the optic radiation, indicative of a geniculocortical relay cell. Representative samples from about 10% of each neuron’s entire dendritic arbor (proximal and distal) were taken to obtain an estimate of the types and distributions of synapses contacting these arbors. One X-cell had a cytoplasmic laminar body, but there were no other significant cytological differences seen among the neurons. Common to each of the neurons were the following synaptic features: (i) retinal terminals (r. l. p.) were mostly or entirely restricted to proximal dendrites or dendritic appendages (< 100 μm from the soma). These terminals constituted about 15-25% of the synapses on the proximal dendrites, (ii) Terminals with flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles (f. terminals) were predominant on the proximal dendrites (30-55% of the total synapses for that region) and were mainly located near the retinal terminals. A smaller percentage (10-20%) were also distributed onto the distal dendrites, (iii) Small terminals with round synaptic vesicles (r. s. d.), many presumably having a cortical origin, predominated (60-80%) on distal dendrites (> 100 μm), but also formed a large proportion (40-70%) of the synapses on the intermediate (50-150 μm) dendrites. Total synaptic contacts for one X-cell and one Y-cell were estimated at about 4000 and 5000, respectively. The major fine structural differences observed between X- and Y-cells were almost entirely related to the retinal afferents. First, the retinal synapses for X-cells were mostly made on to dendritic appendages (spines, etc.), whereas Y-cells had most of their retinal synapses onto the shafts of primary and proximal secondary dendrites (that is, near branch points). Second, the retinal terminals that contacted X-cell dendrites nearly always formed triadic arrangements that included nearby f. terminals, but those on Y-cells rarely did so. Finally, the main type of f. terminals associated with X-cells were morphologically different from most of those associated with the Y-cells, and this also related directly to the triadic arrangements; that is, f. terminals in the triadic arrangements were morphologically distinguishable from f. terminals that did not participate in triadic arrangements. Even though the present sample is quite small, these morphological differences between X- and Y-cells indicate that they might be the synaptic basis for some of the differential processing of information occurring for the two cell types in the lateral geniculate nucleus.

Từ khóa

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