Field monitoring of ripening of dredged material at three sites in The Netherlands (preliminary results)

Water Science and Technology - Tập 37 - Trang 371-378 - 1998
W. de Haan1, K.J. Otten1, J.J.M. Heynen2, H. Folkets3, M. Elsman4
1Grontmij Consulting Engineers, P.O. Box 203, 3730 AE De Bilt, The Netherlands
2IWACO bv, Constultants for Water and Environment, P.O. Box 8520, 3009 AM Rotterdam, The Netherlands
3Water Board Meer en Woude, P.O. Box 7030, 2701 AA Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
4Ministery of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Road and Hydralic Engineering Division, Programme for Benificial Use of Dredged Material (PHB), P.O. Box 5044, 2600 AA Delft, The Netherlands