Factors influencing the adoption of cashless transactions during COVID-19: an extension of enhanced UTAUT with pandemic precautionary measures

L. Vimal Raj1, S. Amilan1, K. Aparna1, Karthick Swaminathan2
1Department of Commerce – Karaikal Campus, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Karaikal, India
2Rajagiri Business School, Kochi, India

Tóm tắt

This paper aims to extend the enhanced “unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)” model with pandemic precautionary measures (PPM) to examine the variables that influence the adoption of “cashless transactions (CLT)” during pandemic periods such as COVID-19. For this purpose, this research polled 363 people from 15 zones of Chennai City, India. Utilizing the responses, the relationship between components was explored using a PLS-SEM approach in two distinct research models to examine the influence of PPM in the enhanced UTAUT. The results indicate that the model with PPM (model 2) exhibited an improvement over the model without PPM (model 1) in the variance explained of behavioural intention from 77.3 to 82%. Further, in model 1, performance expectation is the most potent predictor of individuals’ intentions to use CLT, and in model 2, performance expectations deteriorated slightly in its ability and PPM became the most potent predictor. Furthermore, these findings reveal that the PPM-included enhanced UTAUT has significantly strengthened its ability to explain behavioural intent to adopt CLT. Thus, this research model has the potential to be of great use in investigating the adoption of CLT in any epidemic period.

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