Fabrication of polysulfone mixed matrix membrane for wastewater treatment
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Recent development in separation technologies has envisioned a green and sustainable future that encouraged energy preservation and waste minimization. The concept of a clean future emphasizes on retrieval and reutilization of valuable products from waste streams to improve the water quality. Membrane-based separations are currently explored as an auspicious substitution over traditional separation processes. The present study is designed to purify water using aluminum and gallium mixed matrix membranes from toxic metals (Lead and Mercury) and dyes (Rhodamine B, and Reactive Blue-4). Facile protocol i.e., immersion precipitation phase inversion method was used for the fabrication of mixed matrix membrane. The aluminium and gallium hybrids act as a filler and create heterogeneity and hydrophilicity within the membrane, affirming better water permeability and mechanical strength. The performance of fabricated mixed matrix membranes is evaluated using a lab-based dead-end membrane filtration unit. The result showed 30–71% rejection of Mercury, 24–65% rejection of Lead, 12–66% rejection of Reactive Blue-4, and 15–80% rejection of Rhodamine B.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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