Export restrictions in Chinese–European raw materials trade to end? Conclusions from the WTO Panel Appellate Body Report in the China: Raw Materials case

China-EU Law Journal - Tập 1 - Trang 97-113 - 2012
Marian Paschke1,2
1Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
2Institute of Law of the Sea and Maritime Law, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Tóm tắt

This article analyzes the consequences of the Dispute Settlement Body decision from February 22, 2012 in the WTO Raw Materials case approving the WTO Panel Report of July 2011 as modified by the Appellate Body Report of January 30, 2012 for future raw materials policies. It will be examined whether the indefinite rules of WTO law in the interpretation of the underlying principles of the Panel Report and the Appellate Body Report provide a basis to oppose export restrictions effectively. The initial reaction is that China will have to revise its export policy concerning certain raw materials as a consequence of the 2012 DSB decision. However, the Reports and its remarks provide justifications and suggest that PRC export restrictions are consistent with WTO law, which could give rise for a reconsideration of export policy in Europe. It will be shown that the European Commodity and Raw Materials Strategy 2011 could serve as an appropriate starting point.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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