Exploring a consumption value model for Islamic mobile banking adoption

Emerald - Tập 5 Số 3 - Trang 344-365 - 2014
Tiong‐Thye Goh1, Norazah Mohd Suki2, Kim‐Shyan Fam1
1Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
2Universiti Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus, Labuan, Malaysia.

Tóm tắt


– The purpose of this study is to explore a consumption values model for Islamic mobile banking acceptance and to identify any differences in perceived consumption values between Muslims and non-Muslims towards the use of Islamic mobile banking services.


– Using an online survey method, a sample of 183 was collected and the partial least squares (PLS) method was used to evaluate the model and validate hypothesis, as it is ideal for assessing both the psychometric properties of all scales and, subsequently, to test the structural relationships proposed in the model.


– Empirical results via the PLS method demonstrates that the result satisfactorily explains the adoption of Islamic mobile banking and further demonstrates the use of the consumption values model as an alternate approach for technology adoption. The consumption values model approach appears to have a stronger fit for Muslims than non-Muslims with 66.6 per cent of the variance explained and a goodness-of-fit index of 0.724. The conditional factors are important in the non-Muslims compared to Muslims. Muslims seem to value emotional factors more than non-Muslims.

Research limitations/implications

– The current research findings represent mainly university students with some exposure to Islamic mobile banking experience and familiarity with mobile technology. Indeed, the samples were taken from Malaysia, an Islamic country that has a diverse ethnic and cultural background. Hence, the result may not apply to other Islamic countries, e.g. Arabic countries due to the cultural background differences. Future researchers could overcome the limits of generalisability by increasing sample coverage.

Practical implications

– This research finding is useful as the comparison is made between Muslim and non-Muslim consumers which help practitioners and researchers to better understand the different adoption characteristics and advance insights on how to promote such a technological service for everyday banking needs especially to different segments of the community. In developing Islamic mobile banking interactions, designers should look beyond the system’s ease of use and take advantage of the different consumption values to include personalisation in the service design through automatically recognising Muslim customers and non-Muslim customers during system use.


– The study contributed to the theory of consumption values model in technology adoption and demonstrated the model is capable of explaining the functional, emotional, epistemic, conditional and social values on consumers in their adoption intention. This research provides empirical findings not reported in previous studies due to the overly represented technology acceptance model approach.

Từ khóa

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