Experimenting sensitivity-based anonymization framework in apache spark
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One of the biggest concerns of big data and analytics is privacy. We believe the forthcoming frameworks and theories will establish several solutions for the privacy protection. One of the known solutions is the k-anonymity that was introduced for traditional data. Recently, two major frameworks leveraged big data processing and applications; these are MapReduce and Spark. Spark data processing has been attracting more attention due to its crucial impacts on a wide range of big data applications. One of the predominant big data applications is data analytics and anonymization. We previously proposed an anonymization method for implementing k-anonymity in MapReduce processing framework. In this paper, we investigate Spark performance in processing data anonymization. Spark is a fast processing framework that was implemented in several applications such as: SQL, multimedia, and data stream. Our focus is the SQL Spark, which is adequate for big data anonymization. Since Spark operates in-memory, we need to observe its limitations, speed, and fault tolerance on data size increase, and to compare MapReduce to Spark in processing anonymity. Spark introduces an abstraction called resilient distributed datasets, which reads and serializes a collection of objects partitioned across a set of machines. Developers claim that Spark can outperform MapReduce by 10 times in iterative machine learning jobs. Our experiments in this paper compare between MapReduce and Spark. The overall results show a better performance for Spark’s processing time in anonymity operations. However, in some limited cases, we prefer to implement the old MapReduce framework, when the cluster resources are limited and the network is non-congested.
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