Experimental analysis of <i>Msx‐1</i> and <i>Msx‐2</i> gene expression during chick mandibular morphogenesis

Developmental Dynamics - Tập 202 Số 2 - Trang 195-214 - 1995
Mina Mina1,2, Jelica Gluhak1, William B. Upholt1, Edward J. Kollar1, Barbara Rogers1
1Departments of Pediatric Dentistry
2School of Dental Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut 06030

Tóm tắt

AbstractHomeobox‐containing genes are thought to be involved in regulating pattern formation in a variety of tissues during embryogenesis. We have examined the expression of the homeobox‐related genes Msx1 and Msx2 during the development of the chick mandibular arch. Northern blot hybridization indicates that transcripts for both Msx1 (1.6 Kb) and Msx2 (3 Kb) are present in the mandibular arch as early as stage 18. The levels of both transcripts in the whole mandible decrease as cartilage is formed in vivo and in vitro. Using in situ hybridization, transcripts of Msx1 were localized in high amounts to the mesenchyme of the mesial tips of the arches. Msx2 transcripts were localized in high amounts to medial regions of the arches. Little or no hybridization of either probe was detected in the chondrogenic and myogenic regions of the arches. Transcripts of both genes were also excluded from calcified bone and cartilage. Our results further demonstrate that the mesial tip mesenchyme expressing Msx1 includes areas of highly proliferative cells and has in vitro chondrogenic potential. The region of mesenchymal cells expressing the Msx2 gene overlap with areas of developmentally programmed cell death which also contain very few proliferative cells and lack chondrogenic potential in vitro. These results are consistent with the possibility that Msx1 may be involved in the outgrowth of the mandibular arch and Msx2 may be involved in both developmentally programmed cell death and delineating the non‐chondrogenic region of the medial part of the mandibular arch. © 1995 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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