Expected effects of accident data recording technology evolution on the identification of accident causes and liability

Gábor Vida1, Árpád Török1
1Department of Automotive Technologies, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (KJK), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Műegyetem rkp. 3, Budapest, 1111, Hungary

Tóm tắt

Abstract Background

The classic accident reconstruction process is based on information recorded manually at the scene and gathered from witness statements. Liability cannot always be determined if no objective data are available, especially for accidents at traffic lights. Even Event Data Recorder (EDR) data (speed, braking, gas/brake pedal operation, etc.) will not improve the assessment of such a liability situation significantly, since vehicle movements cannot be synchronized in time with the phase plan of the intersection control. This problem could be solved if globally synchronized time data (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) were available, or a camera recorded the signal of the given traffic lights. In our study, the technology that goes beyond EDR data was defined as EDR+ data recording technology.


The aim of this article is to rank the assessability of different types of accidents through the statistical analysis of a publicly available database, taking into account the different data recording technologies.


An in-dept statistical analysis of 124 accidents and the corresponding liability investigations is provided. Also, analysis is carried out on estimated levels of assessability if modern data recording technologies had been applied for the same accident set.


This study reveals the impact of the introduction, spread and wide application of the examined types of data recording technology on assessability. It is also explored what kind of data recording technology would be necessary to ensure the level of assessability required to establish liability for accidents.


The flexible framework presented here is suitable for comparing the assessability of road accidents according to accident type and data recording technology.

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