Exercise Modalities in Multi-Component Interventions for Older adults with Multi-Morbidity: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis

SERDI - 2024
Faye Forsyth1, C. L. Soh2, N. Elks2, H. Lin2, K. Bailey3, S. Rowbotham4, J. Mant1, P. Hartley1, C. Deaton1
1Primary Care Unit, Department of Public Health & Primary Care, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
2University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK
3Head of Nursing Cardiac Services, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK
4Department of Physiotherapy, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Lynn, UK

Tóm tắt

Exercise is efficacious in older adults, including those with multi-morbidity. However, the optimum mode is not known and there are conflicting findings as regards the types of exercises to recommend. It is postulated that multi-component exercise interventions better meet the needs of older adults who experience multi-morbidity as they more holistically address the range of functional problems they may experience. To date, no review has explored and described in detail what multi-component exercise interventions have been tested in older adults with multi-morbidity. To explore the number and types of exercises included within multi-component exercise interventions that have been tested in older adults with multi-morbidity. Secondary objectives were to explore the rationale for selecting particular exercise components within the intervention design and to describe the characteristics of the exercise program. Systematic review and narrative synthesis. Database searches yielded 51,001 articles; following screening 138 unique interventions were retained for analysis. Across studies, 22 different multi-component combinations were identified, and there was marked variation in frequency, intensity and duration. Few studies describe characteristics that are in line with the preferences or needs of older adults with multi-morbidity. Exercise design decisions were most frequently judged to be based on practitioner intuition/local practice. There is substantial heterogeneity within multi-component exercise interventions; which has significant implications for meta-analysis of effects. Interventions do not frequently appear to consider the abilities or needs of those with multi-morbidity, nor do they seem to be attuned to the participation barriers they experience.

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