Examining antecedents and consequences of perceived service quality in the hotel industry: a comparison between London and New York

TQM Journal - Tập 33 Số 7 - Trang 193-221 - 2021
Maria Palazzo1, Pantea Foroudi2, Maria Antonella Ferri3
1Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e della Comunicazione, Universit a degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy
2Business School, Middlesex University, London, UK
3Universitas Mercatorum, Rome, Italy

Tóm tắt


This paper aims at exploring the relations amongst the concepts of customer relationship management (CRM), convenience, trust, perceived service quality, satisfaction, perceived value, loyalty, image and purchase intention in the hotel sector.


The research was conducted using interviews with hospitality managers and guests who had a direct connection with the hotel industry. According to the qualitative study results and literature review, the authors designed a model that was examined via structural equation modelling and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis.


This paper presents a conceptual framework that enhances existing research in the field of study, as it was implemented to measure the antecedent and consequences of perceived service quality. Based on the results from New York and London, the authors found that CRM and convenience have significant impact on perceived service quality. Interestingly, the aggregated data illustrate the negative relationship between image, loyalty and purchase intention.


The approach used by this study is partially in line with previous theoretical analyses and shows appealing patterns in international service quality perception. Besides, the paper adds insights into the realm, linking together different dimensions in order to reach an in-depth understanding and complex analysis of each item that affects and is affected by perceived service quality in the hotel industry.

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