Evaluation of adding crushed glass to different combinations of cement-stabilized sand
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One of the methods that can stabilize clean sand type (SP) is blending the waste crushed glass and cement with these sands. In this paper, the laboratory tests are conducted on combination of clean sand, crushed glass, and cement in different condition for soil stabilization. Blends were stabilized by cement with 3, 5 and 10 weight percent of specimens. Different compounds of crushed glass used in this paper consists of 100% SP (poor graded sand) and ratio of glass to sand is in sequence, 10/90, 30/70 and 50/50 (G/S). A series of drained triaxial, direct shear, unconfined compressive strength and standard proctor tests on various combinations of glass and stabilizing sands with cement. The results show that increasing the percentage of crushed glass will reduce the amount wopt samples in connection increases γd,max. It can also unconfined compressive strength (qu). Relative density and strength parameters c and ϕ significantly increase. The minimum value of crushed glass which is improved the sandy soil properties is 10%. Also, by adding 10, 30 and 50% crushed glass to sandy soil which had stabilized 10% cement, the samples shear strength will be increased to 70, 98 and 244%, respectively. Therefore, adding crushed glass to the soil will correct unsuitable soil parameters with respect to ease of implementation, very easy access and reduce operational costs associated with its use in construction work.
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