Electronic Finance: Reshaping the Financial Landscape Around the World

Journal of Financial Services Research - Tập 22 - Trang 29-61 - 2002
Stijn Claessens1, Thomas Glaessner2, Daniela Klingebiel2
1University of Amsterdam, U.S.A
2The World Bank, U.S.A

Tóm tắt

In recent years, the emergence of electronic finance—especially online banking and brokerage services, and new trading systems—has reshaped the financial landscape around the world. This paper reviews these developments and finds that they are greatly impacting the structure of and competition in financial services industries and will have a large impact on incumbents. Its assessment of how e-finance, and globalization more generally, affects countries highlights the need for changes in four financial sector policy areas—safety and soundness, competition policy, consumer and investor protection, and global public policies—to mitigate risks and reap as much as possible the potential benefits of e-finance.

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