Electromagnetic wave propagation through frequency-dispersive and lossy double-negative slab

Opto-Electronics Review - Tập 15 Số 3 - 2007
Cumalı Sabah1, S. Uçkun1
1University of Gaziantep, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey

Tóm tắt


This study presents the electromagnetic wave propagation through the frequency-dispersive and lossy double-negative slab embedded between two different semi-infinite media. The double-negative slab is realized by using two models, the Lorentz and Drude medium models. The properties and the required equations for the frequency-dispersive and lossy double-negative slab, the Lorentz medium and Drude medium are given in detail. After the construction of the problem, the reflection and transmission coefficients are derived for both TE and TM waves. Then, the reflected, transmitted and loss powers are determined using these coefficients. Finally, in the numerical results, the mentioned powers for TE and TM waves are computed and illustrated as a function of the incidence angle, the frequency and the slab thickness when the damping frequency changes.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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