Electrical and spectral studies of modified solid semiconductors

S. M. Shaaban1, M. M. El-Desoky2, B. A. El-Sayed1, M. B. Sayed1
1Department of Chemistry, AI-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
2Department of Chemistry Physics, Faculty of Science, AI-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

Tóm tắt

Diazoaminobenzene shows semiconducting properties and a phenomenon of phase transition. The semiconducting properties arise as a result of high molecular resonance induced by intramolecular hydrogen bonding at the cliazo linkage. The phase transition is probably a consequence of thermal rotation into resolved cis and trans configurations; the frans form conducts electricity with a lower activation energy assisted by the molecular resonance. Thermal rotation into the more thermally stable cis form reduces the molecular resonance so that the resultant form conducts electricity with a higher activation energy. Unexpectedly, chelation with the favoured d-block element, Cu, reduces the electrical conductivity which is evidenced by a reduced electric dipole moment. Chelation appears to proceed favourably at the cis form, since the resultant complex conducts electricity with a similar high activation energy, a result of prohibited proton exchange. Restricted rotation in the Cu chelate explains conduction via a single phase. Consistent data from 1H-NMR, i.r. and u.v.—visible spectra do confirm the proposed structural interpretation.

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