Efficient removal of cadmium (II) ions from aqueous solution by CoFe2O4/chitosan and NiFe2O4/chitosan composites as adsorbents

Water Science and Technology - Tập 78 Số 11 - Trang 2297-2307 - 2018
Ashraf Homayonfard1, Mahsasadat Miralinaghi2, Reza Haji Seyed Mohammad Shirazi1, Elham Moniri2
1Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Varamin—Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran

Tóm tắt

AbstractMagnetically recoverable chitosan based spinel cobalt and nickel ferrite (CS/CoFe2O4 and CS/NiFe2O4, respectively) composites were successfully prepared in one step. A series of batch adsorption experiments indicated that the removal of toxic Cd(II) ions by the as-obtained composites as adsorbents was pH-dependent, rapid, proficient, better fitted to pseudo-second-order kinetics model and Langmuir monolayer adsorption isotherm model. Compared to the naked particles, magnetic bio-polymer composites exhibited promoted adsorption capacity. Competitive adsorption studies in binary solutions illustrated preferable selectivity of adsorbents toward Cd(II) ions in the presence of co-existing cations. More importantly, CS/CoFe2O4 and CS/NiFe2O4 had a satisfactory practical application in the removal of Cd(II) from real groundwater spiked with cadmium. The exhausted adsorbents could be regenerated efficiently by 0.5 M HNO3. The results from this study support that CS/CoFe2O4 and CS/NiFe2O4 prove excellent adsorption behavior for the removal of Cd(II) ions from aqueous media.

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