Effects of gamma irradiation on in vitro pollen germination of different Cucumis species
Tóm tắt
Pollen grains of 14 Cucumis accessions were irradiated with 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 kGy acute gamma rays and germinated in vitro directly afterwards. Pollen germination was significantly reduced by increasing irradiation dose for all species, except C. melo var. agrestis. Pollen tube growth was generally reduced likewise. Pollen of two C. anguria subspecies was most sensitive to irradiation. Sensitivity of the pollen with respect to pollen tube growth in relation to irradiation dose was inversely related to total DNA amount per nucleus. In vitro germination was not related to DNA amount per nucleus. Results show that the examined Cucumis species, especially C. melo var. agrestis, are sufficiently resistant to irradiation to be used as donor species for in vivo egg cell transformation of the cucumber.
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