Effects of NiO nanoparticles on the magnetic properties and diffuse phase transition of BZT/NiO composites

Nanoscale Research Letters - Tập 7 - Trang 1-6 - 2012
Parkpoom Jarupoom1,2, Sukum Eitssayeam1,2, Kamonpan Pengpat1,2, Tawee Tunkasiri1,2, David P Cann3, Gobwute Rujijanagul1,2
1Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2Materials Science Research Center, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
3Faculty of Materials Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA

Tóm tắt

A new composite system, Ba(Zr0.07Ti0.93)O3 (BZT93) ceramic/NiO nanoparticles, was fabricated to investigate the effect of NiO nanoparticles on the properties of these composites. M-H hysteresis loops showed an improvement in the magnetic behavior for higher NiO content samples plus modified ferroelectric properties. However, the 1 vol.% samples showed the optimum ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties. Examination of the dielectric spectra showed that the NiO additive promoted a diffuse phase transition, and the two phase transition temperatures, as observed for BZT93, merged into a single phase transition temperature for the composite samples.

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