Effects of Carbonation on the Microstructure of Cement Materials: Influence of Measuring Methods and of Types of Cement
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The objective of this work was to examine the influence of carbonation on the microstructure of cement materials. Different materials, which were CEM I mortar and paste, CEM II mortar and paste, were carbonated at 20 °C, 65 % relative humidity and 20 % of CO2 concentration. The specific surface area and pore size distribution were determined from two methods: nitrogen adsorption and water adsorption. The results showed that: (1) nitrogen adsorption and water adsorption do not cover the same porous domains and thus, we observed conflicts in the results obtained by these two techniques; (2) the CEM II based materials seemed to be more sensible to a creation of mesoporosity after carbonation than the CEM I based materials. The results of this study also helped to explain why observations in the literature diverge greatly on the influence of carbonation on specific surface area.
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