Educating young consumers – a food choice model

Wiley - Tập 24 Số 2 - Trang 113-123 - 2000
Jennifer Hamilton1, Heather McIlveen2, Christopher Strugnell2
11 University of Ulster at Coleraine, Northern Ireland Centre for Diet and Health, School of Biomedical Sciences, Coleraine, Northern Ireland
22 University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Consumer Studies Division, School of Leisure and Tourism, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland

Tóm tắt

AbstractIt has been acknowledged that it is only by obtaining a more detailed understanding of food choice that people’s diets can be improved. In Northern Ireland, research into food choice has been limited yet the Province has the second highest rate of heart disease in the world, indicating the need for change. This study investigated the food choices of 9‐ to 17‐year‐olds in Northern Ireland and the influential factors. A range of research techniques were employed incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methods, namely observations, focus groups, picture associations, dietary case studies and questionnaires. The research indicated that the dietary patterns adopted by this group are characterized by a high consumption of fat, yet the reduction of fat tends to dominate the overall strategy for the prevention of obesity and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, a high consumption of sugar products was evidenced along with a distinct dislike for healthier alternatives such as fruit and vegetables. The ‘skipping’ of meals, especially breakfast and a high prevalence of snacking was also apparent. However, these eating habits were found to be affected by various factors such as age and gender, emphasizing the complex nature of food choice. The findings from this research enabled the development of a model relating to the food choices of 9‐ to 17‐year‐olds in Northern Ireland, highlighting the influential factors and subsequent health implications.

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Tài liệu tham khảo




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